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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Real Spells and How Do They Work

We are often asked "How do real spells work?" The answer is simple. Most real spells that work are not published on the internet or in books, rather they are passed down from generation to generation. A few real spells that work are published in different books. The best thing to do is to consult with a trusted wiccan or pagan witch that belongs to a coven. A coven is a group of witches working together to accomplish goals. The drive that each member of the coven has varies. The motivation behind what they do is unique to each individual. When combining the energy that each witch gives, it can manipulate circumstances to meet specific goals.

What drives a witch to put their energy into a spell? Most witches want to genuinely help other people solve their problems and enhance their lives. Peace of mind is priceless and some people feel as though they are missing something to obtain peace of mind. When you can sit next to the ocean and listen to the waves and think of nothing and purely enjoy the scenery, then you have peace of mind. When you can find love and joy in the little things in life and take in every moment life is grand. Some people find this peace of mind by helping others achieve it. You will find that most witches are caregivers and live to help those in need.

Most genuine witches are not salesmen either. You will find comfort in their presence and with speaking to them. Trust your given instincts when trying to find out if someone is genuine or not. Real spells that work come from genuine people who have peace of mind already. When you join a coven you work to achieve this peace by meditation and other methods such as yoga. A coven is an extended family often willing to help you like your own family would in times of need.

When a spell is directed towards someone to achieve a goal it does not harm them. It will increase or decrease feelings that are already in place. Thoughts will cross through their head and they will have dreams of things to come. This is when you know a spell is working. Real spells that work are not noticeable to the person that it is cast upon. They will act normal and will do nothing extreme or violent. The person that the spell has been cast upon will make life changing decisions during this time period. They will be decisions that will change the course of their life for the better or to meet specific outcomes.

All in all real spells that work are not hard to come by if you look in the right places. Getting results from a real spell can be easier than you know if you think outside of the box.