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Monday, March 12, 2012

Binding Spells - How to Tell They are Working

So you have had a love binding spell and you want to know whether it is working or not. If you cast it yourself by searching for free spells online you may be disappointed. Binding spells are very powerful and serious and should not be cast by an inexperienced person. If you had a binding spell cast professionally then the chances of your spell working are increased drastically.

When a witchcraft magic spell is used for the purpose of a love binding issue it can have several effects. One being that the person whom is effected by the binding spell can start to see your name pop up everywhere. It is easier for more common names to appear randomly throughout the day but when an uncommon name starts to pop up often it is a sign that is not easy to ignore. For example we have had cases where the subject started to see the name "Jessica" everywhere he went. When driving he saw "Jessica Street" and went past "Jessica's Bakery". Then he reported having is taxes done by a CPA named "Jessica". When this happens all at once you can't help but stop to think about your ex Jessica and some of her good qualities that you miss. It makes you wonder what she is up to...and then shortly after that a call is placed and the rest is history! You can't stop getting enough of Jessica and how wonderful she used to be and why you are not back together. Maybe reconciliation will be in the's basically up to Jessica from there. See how easy that can be?

Powerful love binding spells can be even more effective. The more energy that is put into a witchcraft magic spell the stronger your binding spell will be. Spells consist of energy and when directed towards a person or goal energy can't be seen but is heard very clearly by the subconscious mind. If you have ever felt as though you can not let someone walk out of your life no matter what, it is possible that it could be the effect of a binding spell. It does not mean that every case is like that, however it is one of classic effects of a binding spell.

It is important to note that witchcraft magic spells should be used with circles of protection and caution. If you do not know what you are doing but want to have a binding spell cast please contact us at