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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Moving On After a Break Up Using Witchcraft

Moving on after a relationship ends can be both challenging and rewarding at the same time. Regaining independence after having a partner for so long can feel like your fighting an uphill battle. We all have the knowledge needed to be able to get to a place of peace and harmony after our lives are uprooted. Tapping into that knowledge and finding the motivation to keep moving forward comes to us when we need it the most.

Sometimes that knowledge comes in the form of a good friend or loved one suggesting that we start exercising, meditating, laughing and having fun with friends and family. These are all good ways to start getting past a break up and ending the heart ache. Other times it comes to us when we put ourselves out there again to meet new people and form new relationships with others. Listen to what the universe puts in front of you and embrace it, no matter how little it is.

How can witchcraft help me move on from the break up of a relationship? Witchcraft can be used to help mend a broken heart in different ways. Some people feel more peace and harmony when they have a partner to share it with. Bringing a new soul mate into your life can be one way a broken heart mends. Other people may desire independence where they feel happy with or without a partner. True happiness lies within our souls which all have different desires.

Moving on and regaining independence takes a lot of self discovery and a lot of work, but is always a very rewarding path. Having a spell cast to move on from a relationship can help heal the soul and bring motivation for self discovery which ultimately leads to independence. The feeling of being ok without having your ex play a role in your life is empowering.

The other option of bringing a new soul mate into your life is a step that should not be taken lightly. We all have more than one soul mate that we can end up with in a life time. The connection that a soul mate has is noticeably strong and can become stronger over time. Some people know when they see a soul mate instantly, others take time to feel that connection. Regardless of how the connection is recognized, soul mates come to us when we are ready for them. People fresh out of a relationship can unknowingly put up walls blocking soul mates from entering. Make sure that your mind, body and soul are in line for your next soul mate before seeking them out.

For more information on soul mate love spells and spells to move on from a relationship visit