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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Casting a Spell on Friday the 13th During a Full Moon

Is Friday the 13th a good time to cast a spell? Yes! The combination of the energy from this holiday, along with having a full moon gives each spell a double boost in power and strength. When energy levels in the universe are high, casting a spell that works becomes easier. The universe tends to take your spell request with ease and seriousness producing good results.

Friday the 13th lands on a full moon this year! What does that mean for witches? This week is an extra special time to have a spell cast. Interestingly, luck spells work best when cast during this full moon phase. Other spells such as love, spells, money spells, weight loss spells, prosperity spells, binding spells, revenge spells and curse removals are also very powerful at this time.

Love spells cast on Friday the 13th can be especially good because this is a time where power in a relationship is able to shift with the universe’s energy. Those not paying attention, start opening their eyes, those dismissing an ex start wanting to work things out. The results of a powerful love spell cast during a full moon on Friday the 13th can bring people back together that have had terrible breakups, haven’t talked in years, now married or in a relationship with someone else. When people have a soul mate connection it can be hard to move forward without one another. 

Binding spells work great in combination with love spells, especially when they are cast during Friday the 13th and/or the full moon. Binding two people together permanently can work to bring two people back together again that are broken up. They also can keep a couple together and bring them closer. 

Friday the 13th is also especially a great time to cast a lottery spell, prosperity spell, business spell or any spell related to improving finances. Extra luck in the lottery manifests shortly after casting a spell on Friday the thirteenth. Large lottery winners start stepping forward knowing how it all came together. Businesses start to notice that more and more customers are coming in after their business prosperity spell was cast on Friday the 13th. This is because the energy of the universe flows within all of us. When energy is directed to meet a specific goal…this one being financial, money starts to come in and businesses not only stay afloat but also make a profit.

People tend to have spells cast on Friday the 13th that they normally have bad luck with such as weight loss. Those that struggle with losing weight and keeping it off find better results for spells cast on Friday the 13th because they put positive energy into the universe on a day that many do not. Weight loss spells cast during this time can help people lose the weight for good and get into a healthier lifestyle. 

Revenge spells cast during Friday the 13th can also become very powerful. These are to be used with caution as they may not be able to be removed in the future, even by the practitioners that originally cast it. Karma has a way of making itself towards people without a spell during Friday the 13th. Adding a revenge or karma spell adds to that and can be dangerous.

To have your spell cast on Friday the 13th by a coven of 13 witches visit