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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Spell Casting for New Years

The new year is right around the corner and covens around the world will be celebrating the high energy in the universe by casting spells. When a spell is cast during periods where there is a larger amount of energy flowing, any spell cast brings in extra desirable results.

A few common new years resolutions are weight loss, stop smoking, prosperity and bringing love into your life. Having a spell cast on the night of New Years can help bring these goals into fruition. Many believe that being proactive with goals and new years resolutions by casting a spell is a successful way to give yourself an advantage. After all, why not try something that could bring a lot of positive changes your way?

Since weight loss is a common desire for the new year, adding a weight loss spell to the agenda is a good way to cover all bases. Why not work out along with having a weight loss spell cast? It will speed up the weight loss process allowing you to slim down at a faster rate of speed. Exercise will have maximum results when performed along with a weight loss spell for the new year.

Prosperity and getting into a better financial position is another common new years resolution. This can be done using the power of white witchcraft to cast a money spell. Money spells come in a variety of options to choose from.
    Money Spells
  • lottery spells
  • business spells
  • career spells
  • prosperity spells
  • gambling spells
Quitting smoking for the new year is also a common goal that can be met with the help of a stop smoking spell. This helps decrease the desire to smoke and helps relieve the body of toxins from nicotine. A spell to quit smoking cast during new years is going to be strongest when cast on this night because of the increased energy in the universe.

Starting the year with good luck is also a common request. Who doesn't need a little extra luck? Why not give yourself that extra boost of luck by starting the new year off with a luck spell that lasts a year or an entire life time. Having a luck spell will bring more opportunities into your life that affects all aspects. This includes romance, finances, careers, relationships, family and more. Luck spells cast during new year holiday tend to give better results. Starting the year off with extra luck is a step towards being proactive with your life and desires. It can be a way to be more in control of the outcome.