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Friday, September 25, 2015

Super Moon Lunar Eclipse Casting a Spell

 spell casting
On September 27, 2015 we will have a very special moon phase for spell casting. Not only will we be in a super moon phase, but a lunar eclipse will be taking place as well. A supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to the earth when in a new moon or full moon phase. This is a rare event in and of itself, but when you throw in a lunar eclipse, the energy levels are sky rocketed which produces an excellent night to cast a spell.

Spells thrive off of the energy of the universe. Since the moon controls the energy flow in the universe, being in a moon phase that consists of a super moon and lunar eclipse happening at the same time gives us the opportunity to cast spells that will have a higher energy level than normal. In fact, the last time we had a moon phase of this nature was 1982! The next super moon lunar eclipse will happen in 2033. This goes to show you how rare of a moon phase we are entering into.

When it comes to practicing witchcraft and casting a magic spell, this moon phase is an ideal time to take care of any spell work that is desired to be done. Love spells, money spells, protection spells and luck spells are popular spells to be cast during a super moon lunar eclipse because they change lives in such a positive, impactful way. Any magic spell that is cast during any high moon phase are more likely to be permanent and hold the energy in greater amounts for longer periods of time.

If there is a desire that you have to cast a love spell, money spell, luck spell or protection spell but do not know how to do it or have little experience yourself, consider a spell casting service to perform the spell for you. This ensures that a spell has been cast correctly and will bring guaranteed results. In addition to that, it also makes sure that the super moon solar eclipse moon phase is not wasted and spells are cast accurately.

Love spells to return a lover are very strong during the super moon lunar eclipse moon phase. Spells that include attracting someone to you and increasing their love and desire for you bring the best results of the year during this moon phase because of the position of the moon. Now is the time of the year to bring an ex back or attract someone new into your life with a magic spell.