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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Cleansing Bad Luck Spells - Banish Negative Energy

bad luck cleansing spellWe all have experienced bad luck at some point in our lives. Many people believe that the root cause of their bad luck is because of a curse that someone has put on them. This is not always true...even if a psychic has verified this and it is known that someone has been doing voodoo or some type of black magic against you and your family.

Often, the cause of bad luck is the build up of negative energy. When we are around a lot of negative people or people that have ulterior motives they can give off negative energy that follows us for long periods of time causing us to have bad luck. It is more common than you think and can happen slowly until all of a sudden everything bad comes crashing down and there is no other explanation than it being a curse.

Our coven hears this daily from people looking to remove a curse when the reality of it is that they just need a bad luck cleansing. They have a lot of build up negative energy around them and need to get rid of it. After a cleansing has been performed a good thing to do is to burn white sage in your home. When it is done in a controlled setting watch the smoke move out of your window taking the negative energy with it. It no longer will be lingering over your head and you can start fresh.

Bad luck can make us think things that are not true and cause a bit of paranoia. The last thing you want to do is give any kind of energy the attention that it craves. Brush it off and burn some sage. Start the rest of your life from that moment on moving forward with positive thoughts and a clear mind. Good things will start to happen again.

The mind is a powerful tool so when you have had a bad luck cleansing spell and have saged your home keep thinking about how things are going to turn around in your life moving forward. You may not have control of everything that happens but you can control the way that you think and the energy that you give off. No matter what is thrown your way you will be able to get through the bad times and get back to the good times again.