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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse - Trifecta Supermoon and Spell Casting

On Wednesday January 31, 2018 the world will experience a blue moon lunar eclipse. This will be the second full moon that we will have this month which is what makes it a blue moon. In March we will not have any full moon since the lunar cycle is 29.5 days. The next full moon that we experience will be in March.

This is a prime time to have a spell cast because the second full moon in a single month brings with it a special energy. This energy encompasses the earth and distributes the energy from a spell with more grace. Love spells and spells to improve finances tend to be stronger and more effective when cast during high energy moon phases.

This moon phase is considered a supermoon when multiple things are happening that are not common. Some are even calling it a trifecta supermoon. This type of moon phase happens once every two and a half years. Even though we are past new years this is an excellent time to impliment new years resolutions as well. Having a spell cast to help meet these new years resolutions gives an advantage that most do not know exist. Even if someone does not believe in spell casting, it does not effect the outcome if they choose to try it and have a spell cast. So why not give yourself the best chance of success during a supermoon?

Spell casting occurs 365 days of the year, however there are a few nights where the energy of the moon is elevated and January 31, 2018 is one of those days. A good moon phase often brings stronger results for spells cast during this time. This can mean a lower level spell having the effects of a higher level spell. Then when you consider a higher level spell it can bring in results that were better than expected which could mean some seriously positive changes coming to fruition.

Here is a review from a client who had a spell cast during a supermoon phase:

"I wanted to send you my review on because they helped me get my life back on track. Marcy's leadership in recommending a love binding spell to bring my husband back was on point. She knew what I needed after talking to her for a few days and understood my situation completely. I decided to try it since we were in a supermoon phase and I knew that was rare. My husband came back to me with deep apologizes after telling me he was no longer in love and wanted a divorce. The time apart made him miss me and he regretted the way he treated me. He wanted to rekindle our relationship and make me happy again. He actually took responsibility for his role in our problems (which was a shocker). After a few months I did some thinking and tried a gambling spell. I assumed that if witchcraft magic spells could get my husband back then why not try to win some money? I like playing the slots every once in a while and have a casino night with my girlfriends. I won a 5 figure progressive within a few months!! It allowed us to pay off credit card debt and get into a bigger home. What a life changing experience!"