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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Total Solar Eclipse August 21 and What it Means for Spell Casting

On August 21,2017 we will be experiencing a total solar eclipse. This occurs when the moon completely covers the sun. People in the United States, Europe, Africa and North America will be able to see this amazing event take place. It is important to wear protective eye glasses if you plan on looking directly at the sun on this day.

Energy levels in the atmosphere will be at an all time high when the moon takes charge and shows its dominance against the sun for about an hour of the day. For spell casting this is a time of opportunity to make life changing decisions and set fourth goals that are attainable. This total solar eclipse is a time to focus on love and money. Improving these two main aspect of one's life greatly improves overall happiness.

This moon phase is a time to take a leap and put energy out into the universe that comes to pay you back both in good karma and positive energy. If 2017 has been a struggle financially now is a good time to have a lottery or gambling spell cast and change your luck. One big win is all it takes so having the energy of a spell making those events take place is one way people plan to bring better financial changes before the end of the year.

Love is still in the air as summer gets closer to an end. Step outside and take a deep long breath and feel the love of the universe flow through you on August 21. Love spells cast during total solar eclipses tend to be about 10 times stronger in the results they bring. If you have been missing an ex and feel that person was your soul mate this is a good time to bring about a resolution with a love spell to give the relationship another chance at happiness.

There is a caution in regards to love spells cast during the solar eclipse to be aware of. Obsession love spells tend to be something to cast over multiple days during this time because the amount of obsession that the total solar eclipse moon produces can be too much. It is important to know the right amount of obsession to put into the universe when casting love spells on this day.

All in all witchcraft should always be respected and cast with love and purity. Good changes will come to those who are ready to receive them.