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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Halloween Money Spells Cast in October

Halloween Spells
October is a special time of the year to cast a spell. It is a time for Wiccans to celebrate the New Year and a time for many to celebrate Halloween. It is also a good time to cast a money spell to attract better finances. This can come in the form of lottery winnings, gambling, job promotions, growing a business and getting a raise at work.

For those looking to bring positive changes into their lives by having a money spell cast it is best to rely on an honest witchcraft practitioner to assist in the casting to ensure it is executed correctly. Attempting to cast a money spell on your own without experience can bring the exact opposite results and decrease finances.

The energy of a money spell is directed to meet a specific goal. For example, if that goal is to earn money gambling it can cause slot machines to pay out, cards to fall into the correct order during a shuffle or the right numbers popping up when the time is perfect! This leads to some nice winnings so when this happens walk away and do not gamble it back into the casino. The last thing that you want to happen is for people to start looking at you like you know something more than they do and raise suspicion.

Lottery spells work in a similar fashion where the energy of the spell is designed to match lottery numbers that you have drawn. Many people think that a lottery spell can cause lucky numbers to appear and that is not necessarily the case. With real lottery spells that work the winners use quick pick tickets in their big win.

Business and job spells are designed to send energy to the place of business or work. This in turn causes promotions and raises to happen and can also attract new customers to your business which creates more financial opportunity for the organization as a whole. Small business have the option to expand into multiple locations when the demand is there so why not attract some new clients with a business spell during the Halloween season?

October presents an opportunity for witches and warlocks to bring new finances to people struggling in the form of different avenues. Halloween season brings us into the fall and money spells cast using the art of witchcraft can change our lives for years to come.