Friday, December 24, 2010

Addictions to Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs and how white magic witchcraft can help

The end of the year is coming and we all have new years resolutions to make and work towards. To many quiting smoking and recreational drugs including alcohol can be common goals to set for the new year. The question are you going to achieve these goals and stick with them?

White magic can be used to safely help smokers and alcoholics kick the habbit. Addictions come in many forms and are not limited to smoking and drinking. They can also include eating too much and causing health problems that need to e addressed. Starting by seeing a medical doctor is the right way to go. Once you have done that consider having an addition spell cast to help with your new years resolution.

Addiction spells help the addict's craving for their desired substance to decrease naturally. Your brain and body craves the drug less often and continues to decrease desire until the addict no longer feels the need for a specific drug. In a sense it helps heal the body slowly and painlessly. Is a magic spell going to help a herion addict or someone who needs professional medical attention for withdrawal symptoms? The answer is no - you need to see a doctor for serious addictions that require medicine for withdrawal.

White magic spells are good for people who have smoked cigarettes their whole life and have tried everything else to stop with no success. Witchcraft magic spells are also good for people who feel the need to have two drinks per day. It will decrease the feeling that they get where all they want is alcohol. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of this please contact us at and tell us about your story. We can help!

Setting self improvement goals for the new year can result in a happier, healthier lifestyle. Improve your life today and make those changes that are necessary.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Can I Get My Ex Back for the Holidays using a Love Spell?

Around this time of year we get the same question every day...can we help you get your ex back for the holidays? The answer is yes and no. Spells take time to manifest, so generally speaking anyone who promises full results in a week or 24 hours is lying to you. Is it possible to find someone who can cast an effective love spell to bring your ex back before the holidays? Yes it is...however because spells manifest differently with each situation there is no guarantee that a love spell will work in a short time frame. It is possible but no one can guarantee it.

If you are looking to get your ex back before the holidays start have your spell cast immediately so that it has the best chance to manifest. Our spells take 24 hours to 90 days to work. So yes it is possible but it is also possible that it will take longer than 30 days. Heartbreak around the holidays is tough. It makes you feel as though your world is not the same and many people fall into a deep depression. No words ever make the pain go away and many people experience flu like symptoms that cause them to want to stay in bed with the covers over their head.

Fighting holiday break up depression is not fun or easy to deal with. Forcing yourself to start exercising on a regular basis will help lift the depression. Solving the problem with your relationship is also another way to get out of the depression...however your happiness should not lie in one person...but it happens. Start thinking of different solutions or situations that could potentially make you happy and start thinking of ways to put yourself in that particular situation. Is the solution to your breakup a love spell? That is up to you.

Witchcraft magic spells have been used to reunite people that have been separated for as little as a few days to as long as a few years. Each situation is unique and is treated individually. It is always best to have a coven of witches cast a love spell for you since they have experience in the field and know what works. It is a proven fact that the more people that put their energy into a spell the stronger it tends to be. Generally if you have no experience and try to cast a love spell yourself it will not work. Consult a local coven or find someone trusted online.

For Spells That Work visit

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How To Get Someone Back After You Have Broken Up

Have you been in a relationship with someone that you love and now are broken up? People fight despite how much they love each other. Breakups are never easy. Most of the time it is one person doing the majority of the fighting. The question is how do you get someone back after the relationship has ended? The answer is simple. If this is someone that you feel is a soul mate to you and know that you want to be with them for years to come then listen up! A love spell can help you out. It may not be the fist conclusion that people come to to solve relationship problems but it can be a good tool to help a couple get back together.

A return lover spell can help bring out feelings of love towards a partner again when it has diminished. What a return lover spell does is it draws a partner back to you and increase attraction and love feelings. These feelings will grow strong enough to the point of them having to act on it. They will contact you and put more effort into your relationship to solve the problem that you are having. Do return lover spells work? The answer is YES THEY DO!

How powerful are return lover spells? There are several levels of strength that a love spell can have. We do not recommend casting a love spell by yourself because an inexperienced person can cause more harm than good. If you need a love spell because you are having relationship problems contact us and we will cast it for you. Many people that are having relationship problems google how to cast a love spell and attempt it themselves and then wonder why they are not getting the results that that are looking for. Many free spells that you can find online do not work. It is best to resort to a professional coven when looking to cast a love spell.

What if my ex is seeing someone else, will a love spell still work? The answer is YES a love spell will still work if your ex has moved on and is in another relationship with someone else. You have to make sure that you find the right love spell that will detach your ex from the person that they are dating and draw them back to you.

Find a spell that works

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Luck Spells and How They Can Enhance Your Life

From time to time we have heard stories from people who have had luck spells done by others and have had no apparent change in luck. They then start listing all of the things that has happened to them that are bad and blame the luck spell for not working and order another one from us and ultimately spend more money than they need to.

Here is the thing that most people do not know, luck spells do not prevent bad things from happening. A luck spell is not going to magically make your mother's cancer go away, your dog not die or that co-worker that hates you to befriend you. What a luck spell will do is help create better opportunities for you. This means that you will have better luck with money, gambling, lottery, attracting new good people into your circle and help avoid little things like traffic fines and getting pulled over when driving. Luck spells will also help bring more positive aspects to your life. They can help attract new healthy relationships, bring in new business opportunities, help advance in school and perform better, get financing to purchase a home and more.

How do you measure if your luck spell is working? One thing that you can not do is measure how a luck spell is working based upon what happens to you each day. If you had a bad day you can not blame a luck spell because it will not make every day perfect. It will bring more positive days to you and opportunities that were not available to you initially will present themselves over time. You have to recognize them for what they are and cease them when they happen. If you evaluate you whole year or at least the last 6 months since you had it done you will notice a significant change in a positive way. You will be much farther in your life goals than you were when you began. Everyone has a life goal that they strive to achieve. If you think about your dreams and where you would like to be you can easily figure out your life goal.

Luck spells can help achieve life goals at a faster rate than it would naturally take to get to where you dream you would be. Figure out what that goal is and work each day to get there. Avoiding negative people and recognizing them for who they are will help you get farther in achieving your life goal. If someone is manipulating those around you do not react to them. Everyone has someone in their life that is always the victim and it is best to cut out the bad people to make room for the good ones.

If you are looking for a luck spell that works visit

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Halloween, October, The Full Moon and Cleansings

Let's face it, October is the month of the year that you want to have a spell cast over the other 11 months. Why is that? In October the energy is higher causing spells to work more effectively. It is always a good idea to have a spell cast during a full moon phase because the energy is higher as well.

What if you want a spell cast and it is not October or a full moon? There is an easy a ritual to increase the strength of your spell during high energy moon phases. This can be just as effective.

Are you in the mood to try a cleansing yourself? Here is a good ritual that you can try yourself. Be careful though because if you have had a spell cast prior to doing this ritual you can erase the spell.

Cleansing Ritual

Take a large bag of sea salt and sprinkle a pinch or two over the exterior doorways and windowsills of your home. Make certain that you get each and every one and do not miss anything.

Choose the room that has the strongest negative feel to it. Light a white candle. In a large fire proof bowl combine the following:

1 tablespoon peppermint, 1 tablespoon powdered garlic, 1 tablespoon ground clove, 1 tablespoon dried/powdered thistle, handful or two of sweet grass, sage or dried oak leaves

Carefully light the mixture so that it smolders, giving off an aromatic smoke. Leaving the candle lit, carry the bowl in to each room and repeat the following:

In the name of the Eternal Lady and Lord I bid thee part.
I consecrate and clear this space.
Negative energy be vanished and never come back.
Let nothing but joy linger here.

When you have done each room, return to the first, set the bowl beside the candle and wait for the remaining mixture to burn out. Take the ash outside and sprinkle it over the grass/flowerbed/etc, thereby returning it to Mother Nature.

It is always important to do this ritual with caution and do not leave anything unattended that is burning. Cleansings get rid of negative energy that can be built up around you causing bad luck and depression. Make this Halloween the time of the year that you decide to turn your life around and start a new year off on the right foot.

To have a spell professionally cast visit

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Binding Spells and When to Use Them

Many people with relationship problems resort to binding spells to solve their problem when most of the time a binding spell should not be the first spell cast for a love problem. Binding spells work well in conjunction with love spells and can help accomplish a variety of things. It can make sure a specific couple stay together after splitting up and getting back together. A binding spell can also keep someone from moving on to another relationship. They will end up with an explainable attachment to a specific person and will not be happy in any other relationship.

Binding spells do not solve all relationship problems but they can be a key factor in keeping soul mates from staying apart too long. How do you know if you have a soul mate connection with someone? Its simple. You know it when it happens. You will not be able to stop thinking about this person and will feel strongly connected to them like no one else. Each person has more than one soul mate that they can encounter in a lifetime.

Binding spells can also help to keep someone away from you. They can be used to directed someone's anger, love and attention towards someone or something else in their life so that they leave you alone. Having someone harassing you is hard to deal with. A keep someone away binding spell will help ward off unwanted people lingering around you.

Binding spells should not be cast by inexperienced people. They are sensitive and easy to mess up. If not performed properly you can have adverse consequences to your binding spell. Extreme and Ultimate binding spells are some of the strongest that anyone could perform. They are a force to be reckoned with and should us cast with care.

An extreme binding spell is normally used to keep someone close to you so they do not move on with their life and stay to work the relationship out. It can prevent cheating and making new connections with people so that two soul mates have a second chance to be together. An ultimate binding spell does the same function on a smaller scale. It can be used to keep two people together or keep someone away.

If you need a binding spell done for any reason to enhance an aspect of your life contact us and do not attempt to do it yourself.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Karma Spells That Work

Has someone done something to bring harm to you and you want to see their karma come back to them fast? A karma spell will help all of the bad karma that they have put out into the universe come back to them all at once and three times the strength. This could cause someone to really hit rock bottom and take a look at their actions and how they have effected others. When a person has done so much bad to others by being selfish and having their own personal agenda and then all of a sudden everything in their life falls apart, it will get them to change their ways and see how their actions caused them to be where they are.

Finding an effective karma spell that works can be a challenge in its own. It is always best to have a coven of trusted witches cast a spell for you rather than attempt it yourself. The reason behind this is because an inexperienced person casting a spell themselves can bring about harm to themselves if not done properly. In order to find out how to cast a spell properly it is best to find a local coven and join it. The best way to do that is to search online for wiccan communities in your area. If you do not want to go that far and just want specific results to come from a spell it is best to hire a coven that has a guarantee and does not accept western union or money gram.

Karma spells that work can also help in situations where an employer or boss is treating you like dirt. Many people think that they can treat employees badly because they are the ones that are signing the paychecks each month. This is not ethical and sometimes humbling someone that does this with a karma spell can help them treat you better. It is not ok to treat people badly regardless of the situation. I know of a public official they kept being very strict on all town rules and then when his child got into trouble with the law it made headlines for weeks. This man was so beat down by the end of it all that he was forced to resign. This is an example of karma coming back to someone when they have put so much bad energy into the universe.