Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How to Get an Ex Back With a Love Spell

Breakups are not easy to deal with and the majority of the time they are not mutual. Often it is one person in the relationship that ends it leaving one person down in the dumps. What options are there for the person who still wants to keep the relationship? Having a love spell cast to get an ex back is one way to mend the relationship and get back together.

There are different types of love spells that can bring a couple back together again. The energy that is put into a love spell can be directed towards a specific person to increase their feelings of missing a relationship. Sometimes when a couple gets into an argument that leads to a break up, things are said that are not meant and a love spell can help bring good feelings back to the relationship.

A stop arguing spell can help bring a couple closer together and get on the same page again. It decreases anger and animosity that your partner holds onto after a big fight. It also decreases the desire for both parties to not argue and instead show love and kindness to each other again. It also helps bring back respect for one another which helps decrease misunderstandings and judgements.

A fall in love spell is good if you want to increase someone's feelings of being in love with you. Sometimes people put up walls as a defense to not get hurt which can make it hard for feelings of love to come through. A fall in love spell helps break down these walls to let love in. A fall in love spell can also be used to keep a couple from breaking up. Using energy, it can bring feelings of love to the surface so that they are stronger causing both partners to not desire a break up.

An attraction spell increases the subject's feelings of attraction towards a specific person. There are different types of attraction that draws us to someone else. This includes both emotional attraction and physical attraction. The emotional attraction is more important for women and the physical attraction is more important to men. Regardless, an attraction spell will increase the attraction both emotionally and physically towards another person.

Return lover spells are good to bring your ex back to you to work on your relationship again. It will increase your ex's desire to be in a relationship with you and have you close to them in their life. These feelings grow stronger over time making the relationship stronger as a whole. Any problems that a couple has had in the past will be worked out and put behind the two of you. It is never good to live in the past, so make sure that if you decide to have a return lover spell cast, that you do not hold resentment towards your ex. Resentment and bringing up fights from the past will never do anything good for your relationship.

Customized love spells are good for someone in a unique situation that wants powerful results. Each customized love spell is created by a coven to produce the exact results that are requested. When a spell is customized it can have increased results because it is designed for specific needs.

Commitment spells are often used for a couple that has been dating for a long period of time, but the relationship does not lead to marriage. Often, one partner wants to take the next step in their relationship and the other does not. A commitment spell is good for keeping a relationship moving forward allowing a couple to grow together. It is also affective to ensure that your partner does not cheap and remains faithful.

For more information on love spells visit www.WitchcraftMagicSpells.org

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Magic Spells Heal Fears of Commitment

Do you know someone that has a fear of commitment? Either we ourselves have been through it or know someone that has. The question is...can a magic spell help someone commit to you? The answer is yes. A spell that is cast properly can have the goal of getting two people together in a committed relationship.

How does a commitment spell work? When someone has has fears and insecurities about being in a committed relationship it is usually because they do not want to put themselves in a situation where they become vulnerable. Let's face it, sometimes being in a relationship and completely trusting someone can be a scarey thing because we could walk away with a broken heart. Some people actively avoid committed relationships because they do not want to feel hurt or heartbroken. They have become accustomed to being single and are content with the way that they live their lives.

A commitment spell helps heal these fears and insecurities so that a couple comes together in a relationship that is based on love and trust. People that have commitment issues are generally very independent and have been hurt in the past. They become accustomed to being single and fear getting hurt again by being in a committed relationship.  It is known as a defensive way to live which can end up not being as rewarding as it seems.

After a commitment spell has been cast generally what happens is our clients notice their partner opening up more emotionally to them. Trust increases between the two people and more feelings come out. Plans for the future and a commitment are put into place and the couple grows together. Once you get over that hump of not having a label of commitment or marriage the couple will continue to grow together with the bond becoming stronger. The commitment spell never wears off.

Sometimes we do not know how our fears and insecurities affect us. When we face our fears head on and no longer allow them to hold us back it can show in more aspects of our lives that we ever imagined. Someone that has commitment problems that has faced their fear often times sees other problems in their lives go away. Planning for the future and becoming more fiscally responsible is an example of how a commitment spell helps in other aspects of a person's life as well. Taking responsibility for how our actions affect other people is another example of how a commitment spell helps get us on a better path and live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

For more information on Commitment Spells visit www.witchcraftmagicspells.org

Monday, November 19, 2012

Enhance Your Psychic Ability With Witchcraft Magic Spells

Have you always felt as though you have strong intuition and want to enhance your psychic ability? Everyone is born with a certain level of psychic ability. It is up to us to enhance it, but how do we accomplish that? Since each person has a different level of psychic ability it is up to each individual to determine how they are going to develop their mind to be able to use their third eye better. After all, wouldn't it be nice to know what is going to happen before it does? Wouldn't that make life a little easier?

The first way to enhance psychic abilities is through mentoring. If you know a psychic or have one that you go to regularly ask them how you can develop your skills to become stronger. If they are a true psychic they will be able to guide you in the right direction in terms of what you can be doing to become more in tune with your psychic abilities. Some psychics offer workshops that usually include some form of meditation and becoming closer to your spirit guides.

The second way to develop psychic abilities is through deep meditation. If you have never meditated before go online and research meditation cd's or mp3's that are aimed at opening up your third eye or enhancing psychic abilities. Vince Price has some good meditation cd's that bring you closer to the other side allowing you to have an experience being with someone who has passed over. Enhancing mediumship skills allows you to communicate with spirits on the other side. This is a form of being psychic mostly referred to as a psychic medium.

The third way of enhancing psychic abilities is through using witchcraft. There are spells that will enhance your psychic ability without much effort on your part. A magic spell that increases your psychic ability will allow your abilities to surface faster and become more distinct. You will still need to become closer with yourself which can be done through meditation but using a spell will help you get there much faster. When energy is directed towards your third eye to help open it, the results can be overwhelming, so be careful what you wish for because becoming psychic quickly may be harder to deal with than you originally thought. If you decide to have a spell cast to enhance your psychic abilities but have never cast a spell before, have it cast professionally. Have a coven of witches cast a spell to enhance your psychic abilities and make sure that it is done right.

The fourth way to enhance psychic ability is not one that anyone can control or make happen. It is through a near death experience (NDE). 90% of people who have had a near death experience and have survived tend to be more connected to the other side permanently. Psychic abilities range from being able to see spirits (considered a psychic medium), reading people's minds and seeing the future. Research shows that the longer the person spend on the other side during their NDE, the more enhanced their psychic ability has become.

All in all if you are looking to enhance your psychic ability it is possible through meditation, witchcraft magic spells, becoming closer to your spirit guide, mentoring and having a near death experience. If you have always felt like you have psychic abilities then you may be special and a little development would give you the boost that you need to become an amazing psychic!

For more information on enhancing your psychic ability through witchcraft visit www.WitchcraftMagicSpells.org

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to Tell When a Spell is Working

As an experienced coven we receive the question "How do I know if a spell is working?" often. The answer is simple. Let's say that you have had one of the following spells cast:
  • Love Spell
  • Money Spell
  • Binding Spell
  • Beauty Spell
  • Weight Loss Spell
  • Luck Spell
  • Legal Spell
  • Revenge Spell
  • ...and more
It is up to you to determine what has changed since the casting of your spell has been completed. For example, if you have had a love spell cast to get your ex back and you have not heard from them, then it is safe to say that your spell has not manifested yet. If your ex has contacted you and set up plans to spend some time together, then it is safe to say that the spell is starting to work. You will know that your love spell has manifested when you and your ex get back together.

Another example is a lottery spell. Let's say that you had a lottery spell cast to win a specific lottery game. You start playing and you don't win. It is safe to say that your lottery spell is not working yet. If all of a sudden you win a ton of cash, then you can say that your lottery spell worked. Measuring the results of a spell that has been cast is easier than you may think. When you have a spell cast you know the type of results that you are looking for before the spell begins. Use that to measure your results. Compare what has changed before the casting to where things are at now.

When a spell starts to work it changes the energy around the subject(s) causing an event to happen that normally would not. This can be life changing. Using the power of witchcraft magic spells in a positive way to enhance your life is the best way to do it. One thing that should be avoided at all costs is black magic. As many people think it is more powerful than white magic (which is untrue) it can bring negative side effects that are undesirable.

How do I know which strength my spell should be? Most witches that cast spells online will have several different options in regards to the strength of a spell that they offer. It is always best to have the most powerful spell cast possible because they will be cast with more energy allowing your spell to be stronger and more effective. 

How much energy goes into the casting of a spell? This varies from spell to spell and coven to coven. We have been casting spells for over 15 years now and it takes us anywhere from a few hours all the way up to a week to complete a casting. The more time that is spend putting energy into a spell, the stronger it is considered. Make sure that your spell is cast correctly by visiting www.WitchcraftMagicSpells.org

Monday, October 8, 2012

Cast a Spell on Halloween - Samhain - Celtic New Year

Ever want to know when the best night of the year is to cast a spell? Halloween is always the night that has the highest energy level of the year to cast a spell. Halloween is traditionally a witches holiday and a time for celebration. The Celtic New Year is the beginning of a new era to which most covens and witches celebrate by casting their most important spells.

Are you looking for your boyfriend to return to you? No matter what the situation is, having a return lover spell cast any time of the year will bring him back, but why not have it cast on Halloween and get your boyfriend to really fall in love with you hardcore. Spells cast on Halloween are stronger and will produce better results.

Looking for a money spell on Halloween to get you ahead financially. Whether you are looking for a lottery spell, gambling spell, business spell, job spell or another type of money spell, Halloween is the best day of the year to have a spell cast. Witchcraft magic spells can be cast all year long, but Halloween is the best time of the season to get the best results. Moisture levels are high drumming up spirits that are stronger allowing the energy to be directed towards its target faster and stronger. Get yourself into a better financial situation now by having a money spell cast that works.

Are you having bad luck? Yearly luck spells will help bring luck to you for an entire year. Give yourself the best chance of success this year by having a luck spell cast on Halloween. Celebrate the Celtic New Year of Samhain by having a yearly luck spell cast that works. Want permanent luck in all aspects of your life? Have a permanent luck spell cast that never wears off and always have it by your side working for you.

Witchcraft magic spells always work better when cast by a group of people also known as a coven. When multiple people are putting their energy into the casting of a spell the results are strong and effective. Knowledge and experience is essential to the success of a witchcraft magic spell. Get your spell cast today by an experienced coven. www.WitchcraftMagicSpells.org

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Using a Powerful Love Spell to Get an Ex Back

So your relationship is over and you are devastated. Your ex hates you and may have feelings for someone else. What can you do other than sit in your room all day, cry and listen to sad music? Actually there is a LOT that you can do to get your ex back. Its always best to make sure that you do NOT look like a psycho in the process.

If you are not on speaking terms and things ended badly then the best thing to do at this moment in time is to give your ex some space. Don't call or text them at all even to say hi or happy birthday. Give them time to miss you and show them that you are emotionally independent and do not need to talk to them all of the time.

Many people will try to cast a powerful love spell by looking up different love spells on the internet and preforming them. Most people will not get the results that they want and will turn to a psychic or a witch for guidance. The best way to have a powerful love spell cast that works is by having a professional cast it on your behalf. Powerful love spells are effective in bringing an ex back to you for a relationship and increasing feelings of love that are already there. No matter how bad the situation is, even if restraining orders are involved, a powerful love spell will work if cast properly to bring the two of you back together.

What if my ex left me for someone else? There is no doubt that if your ex is seeing someone else already that it is one of the most painful feelings in the world. It leaves you feeling worthless and that your relationship meant nothing to the other person which you know deep down is not true. Sometimes when people put out bad karma into the world one of the ways that it can effect them is by having impure feelings for someone else even if they are in a committed relationship already. They may feel in the moment that the right thing to do is to end their current relationship and go out with the other person whom they have new found feelings for because it is the honest thing to do. They usually end up realizing down the road that they made a huge mistake and do not know how to handle the situation. They have feelings of regret that will stay with them for a long time.

Believe it or not as unnatural as it may feel to go through a cycle of breaking up and getting back together, it is actually quite common. Most relationships go through bumps and obstacles, some larger than others. Powerful love spells are a good solution to minimizing these bumps and obstacles and help keep things balanced. Binding spells are also good to do after a love spell has been cast because they work well together to keep a couple in tune to one another's needs.

For more information on powerful love spells please visit www.WitchcraftMagicSpells.org

Monday, March 12, 2012

Binding Spells - How to Tell They are Working

So you have had a love binding spell and you want to know whether it is working or not. If you cast it yourself by searching for free spells online you may be disappointed. Binding spells are very powerful and serious and should not be cast by an inexperienced person. If you had a binding spell cast professionally then the chances of your spell working are increased drastically.

When a witchcraft magic spell is used for the purpose of a love binding issue it can have several effects. One being that the person whom is effected by the binding spell can start to see your name pop up everywhere. It is easier for more common names to appear randomly throughout the day but when an uncommon name starts to pop up often it is a sign that is not easy to ignore. For example we have had cases where the subject started to see the name "Jessica" everywhere he went. When driving he saw "Jessica Street" and went past "Jessica's Bakery". Then he reported having is taxes done by a CPA named "Jessica". When this happens all at once you can't help but stop to think about your ex Jessica and some of her good qualities that you miss. It makes you wonder what she is up to...and then shortly after that a call is placed and the rest is history! You can't stop getting enough of Jessica and how wonderful she used to be and why you are not back together. Maybe reconciliation will be in the future...it's basically up to Jessica from there. See how easy that can be?

Powerful love binding spells can be even more effective. The more energy that is put into a witchcraft magic spell the stronger your binding spell will be. Spells consist of energy and when directed towards a person or goal energy can't be seen but is heard very clearly by the subconscious mind. If you have ever felt as though you can not let someone walk out of your life no matter what, it is possible that it could be the effect of a binding spell. It does not mean that every case is like that, however it is one of classic effects of a binding spell.

It is important to note that witchcraft magic spells should be used with circles of protection and caution. If you do not know what you are doing but want to have a binding spell cast please contact us at www.WitchcraftMagicSpells.org