Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How to Save a Relationship with a Love Spell

It can feel like emotional torture when a relationship starts to turn bad. When you have tried everything else to save your relationship from failing, a love spell can help mend it. The cause of a relationship ending is unique to each couple which is why there are all different types of love spells for each situation. Here are a few examples:

  • Return Lover Spell - Designed to draw an ex lover back to you for a romantic reconciliation. It increases feelings of missing a specific person and the relationship that they once shared causing them to contact the other person to get back together.
  • Break them up and reunite us spell - Best used when an ex is dating someone else and you want them to come back to you. It detaches them physically and emotionally from the person they are currently dating and increases their feelings of missing you to the point of them pursuing you for a relationship again.
  • Fall in love spell - When this spell is cast it causes someone to fall in love with someone specific. It works well when one person is in love with someone who doesn't feel the same way. It causes the target of the spell to have increased feelings of love and attraction towards someone. It works for people that are in relationships and also for people not in relationships. If the target of this spell is currently in a relationship with someone else, they will still fall in love with you and end their current relationship.
  • Obsession love spell - This spell is designed to cause someone to become obsessed with you. The target of this spell will act and feel as though they are completely obsessed with you. You will become their #1 priority and the desire to make you happy will become very important. They will feel head over heals in love with you and will do everything they can think of to be in a relationship with the originator of this spell. It is important to use this spell with caution because it is very strong.
  • Customized love spell - Since every situation is unique, a customized love spell may be the best solution. It will be created by a coven of experienced witches and will include all requests. Some examples of customized love spells include the following elements: stop divorce, binding, attraction, falling in love, keeping an ex away, keeping a lover faithful, stop infidelities, 
  • Attraction Spell - Are you attracted to someone who is not attracted to you? This spell will increase the target's desire of a romantic attraction towards you. They will become interested in taking your relationship to the next level and will start finding themselves attracted to you in a way that they have not ever experienced. The natural desire of attraction towards someone specific will increase and it will be emotional and physical. 
All in all there are a variety of different love spells that can make or save a relationship that is on the brink of disaster. They should be cast by professionals for the best results and there never is no answer to a relationship problem because a love spell is always a good option. 

For more information on having a love spell cast visit www.WitchcraftMagicSpells.org

Monday, March 2, 2015

How to determine if a spell will work

A question that is often asked is "Can a spell work to improve or fix my situation?" Depending on what is currently going on compared to what you would like to see happen as the result of a spell is unique to each individual situation. Spells do take time to manifest themselves releasing energy into the universe to change an outcome. Take that into consideration before making the decision to cast a spell. If there is no time crunch, then a spell could be a very good long term solution to the problem at hand. If you are in a time crunch, then maybe a spell is not the best option at that time.

A common spell request is to get an ex boyfriend or girlfriend back. Nothing is more painful than being without the person you love. Before making a decision in regards to the type of love spell you want cast, find out which is the strongest spell that will fit your needs. The stronger a spell is, the better the results will be.

A good example of a love spell working to reunite soul mates is a triple power customized love spell. It has the ability to bring couples back together that have been broken up for over 20 years. It works even when the couples live in different countries and one partner is married. But how is that possible? Simple. The target of this spell will generally start having dreams of being happier with their previous love (meaning you) on a regular basis. This gives them the desire to contact that person even if the intention is to just say hi and see how that person is doing. Opening up the lines of communication leads to couples reuniting and strong feelings coming back.

Love spells also work to decrease anger about past events between two lovers. Many relationships end on bad terms, but a love spell can still help them get past arguments and disagreements that lead to a break up and bring lovers back together again. They are also effective if a past lover has moved on and is currently in another relationship with someone else. A powerful love spell will end that relationship and bring them back to you to work things out.

One of the main elements of a love spell is increasing feelings of attraction both emotionally and physically. Even if the person that you are missing does not have romantic feelings for you any longer, they once did. A love spell can and will bring those feelings back and make them stronger.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Casting a Love Spell and Binding Spell Together

One of the best combinations of spells to bring an ex back or enhance a current relationship is through the use of a love spell along with a binding spell. A love spell is going to enhance feelings of love and attraction within a current or past relationship. A binding spell will then seal the deal by keeping that relationship healthy and close. Binding two people together at the same time a love spell is cast will help bind a couple together permanently which will keep them together. 

First, let's talk about using this combination of a love spell and binding spell together to bring an ex back. A Return and Bind Love Spell is perfect because it will bring back a lover and bind them to you permanently. How it works is the target of this spell will start randomly thinking about you. Feelings of longing and missing you will start to race through their minds causing them to start thinking that it is you they truly want to be with again. Your ex will initiate contact because they will ultimately want to get back together again. Feelings of love and attraction towards you will resurface and become even stronger than before. The ex will be confident in the decision that you are the one that they are supposed to be in a relationship with. This spell works even if a couple has been broken up for years and had a bad falling out. It defuses anger and resentment and helps build trust again.

The binding aspect of this spell will help give both parties confidence that no matter what is thrown their way, they will get through it together. The couple will work as a team to defuse any issues that arise and become closer than ever before. Any outside influences that do not approve of the relationship will no longer be a problem. If there are family members trying to break a couple up or friends that disapprove and constantly talk about it, then either partner will slowly push that bad influence out of their lives so it no longer affects the relationship negatively.

Another way that a love spell and binding spell work well together is for a couple struggling to stay afloat. If a relationship turns rocky and arguing and fighting continues to occur, a fall in love spell along with a love binding spell can get that couple back on track. It will restore the unconditional love between the couple and make it even stronger. When people are softened by love, anger decreases and they are more willing to compromise to make their partner happy. Sometimes, the love and respect needs to be increased to make both parties happy and able to grow together as a couple.

For information on casting a love and binding spell together visit www.witchcraftmagicspells.org

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Weight Loss Spells That Work - New Year New You

Its a new year and new you! We all set goals for things that we want to change entering into the new era. Weight loss is a common resolution, so how can witchcraft spells help? Easy, having a weight loss spell cast to give yourself the best chance of success is a good strategy and one that thousands are embracing.

It is becoming more common knowledge that having a spell cast works and can be used to change things about your life that you don't like. This also stands true for weight loss spells. A weight loss spell can be cast and directed towards a specific person. When a weight loss spell targets that person, it stimulates their metabolism. This allows them to burn calories at a faster rate naturally.

How are results measured? Well the scale doesn't lie, but in addition to being able to measure tangible results, people report experiencing higher energy levels and stamina during exercise. Getting into a regular weekly exercise routine after a weight loss spell has been cast is always going to bring stronger and faster results. The body will be able to burn fat faster when both exercise and a weight loss spell work together.

What type of weight loss spell do I need? The best rule of thumb is to always use white magic. If you do not know how to cast a spell yourself or are inexperienced, the best solution is to consult an experienced coven of witches. When working with a coven, also known as a group of witches, you will have the benefit of multiple people putting their energy into your spell. The more energy that is put into a weight loss spell, the better results it will produce.

Always remember to stay away from any type of black magic or root work. They can have negative side effects and not last as long as white magic spells. Weight loss spells can be permanent if cast properly. This will help with not only losing the weight but also with keeping it off.

To have a weight loss spell cast to assist with your weight loss goals visit www.witchcraftmagicspells.org.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Spell Casting for New Years

The new year is right around the corner and covens around the world will be celebrating the high energy in the universe by casting spells. When a spell is cast during periods where there is a larger amount of energy flowing, any spell cast brings in extra desirable results.

A few common new years resolutions are weight loss, stop smoking, prosperity and bringing love into your life. Having a spell cast on the night of New Years can help bring these goals into fruition. Many believe that being proactive with goals and new years resolutions by casting a spell is a successful way to give yourself an advantage. After all, why not try something that could bring a lot of positive changes your way?

Since weight loss is a common desire for the new year, adding a weight loss spell to the agenda is a good way to cover all bases. Why not work out along with having a weight loss spell cast? It will speed up the weight loss process allowing you to slim down at a faster rate of speed. Exercise will have maximum results when performed along with a weight loss spell for the new year.

Prosperity and getting into a better financial position is another common new years resolution. This can be done using the power of white witchcraft to cast a money spell. Money spells come in a variety of options to choose from.
    Money Spells
  • lottery spells
  • business spells
  • career spells
  • prosperity spells
  • gambling spells
Quitting smoking for the new year is also a common goal that can be met with the help of a stop smoking spell. This helps decrease the desire to smoke and helps relieve the body of toxins from nicotine. A spell to quit smoking cast during new years is going to be strongest when cast on this night because of the increased energy in the universe.

Starting the year with good luck is also a common request. Who doesn't need a little extra luck? Why not give yourself that extra boost of luck by starting the new year off with a luck spell that lasts a year or an entire life time. Having a luck spell will bring more opportunities into your life that affects all aspects. This includes romance, finances, careers, relationships, family and more. Luck spells cast during new year holiday tend to give better results. Starting the year off with extra luck is a step towards being proactive with your life and desires. It can be a way to be more in control of the outcome.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Last Full Moon of 2014 - December 6th

As we start looking towards the end of 2014, the last full moon of the year is upon us. On Dec 6th the universe brings us a unique energy which means this is a good time to have a spell cast. Love spells, money spells, protection spells and weight loss spells are amongst the best type of spell to cast during the last full moon of 2014.

When we have a full moon, the atmosphere is aligned with the moon bringing fourth a vibrant energy. When this energy is acknowledged, respected and redirected for a purpose such as casting a spell, life changing events come to fruition such as getting back together with an ex, winning the lottery, getting rid of negative energy and losing weight. Results from casting a spell on the full moon tend to happen faster and produce stronger outcomes. Does this mean you have to wait for a full moon in order to cast a spell? Of course not, but if its something that you have been thinking about doing and a full moon is around the corner jump on the opportunity.

Casting a money spell on the full moon in December can be a popular choice because Christmas and the holiday season is coming up and everyone needs extra cash. Our coven at www.witchcraftmagicspells.org actually limits the sale of lottery spells around this time of the year because there can only be so many lottery winners! Imagine what would happen if everyone had a lottery spell cast at the same time? It would be chaos!

All types of love spells are cast on the last full moon of 2014. The most popular are:
  • Return Lover Spells 
  • Attraction Spells 
  • Lust Spells 
  • Break Up Spells 
  • Commitment Spells 
  • Soul Mate Spells
  • Custom Love Spells 
The holidays are supposed to be a time where couples come together and it can be especially hard if it is the first holiday season without your partner at your side. It can leave you feeling depressed and hopeless, but now with the help of a love spell we can all take our love life into our own hands and make things right again if they are off balance.

Weight loss spells cast on the last full moon of the year tend to give very strong results as well. It is easy to put on extra weight going to holiday parties and family gatherings. Why not prevent weight gain around the holidays with a weight loss spell? A good weight loss spell will speed up metabolisms and allow the target of the spell to lose weight and keep it off naturally with little effort. Some people even have a weight loss spell cast before the holiday season to prevent weight gain before it starts. This is a wise strategy, especially when the weight loss spell is cast during the full moon.

To have a spell cast during the full moon phase visit www.WitchcraftMagicSpells.org.

Friday, November 21, 2014

New Moon Brings Opportunities for New Beginnings

The new moon is a great time to have a spell cast for new beginnings. Whether it is love or money that you are after, the new moon is a good time to start fresh and bring positive energy into your life. For thousands of years the new moon represents “re-birth” and gives clarity to those seeking a new beginning.

Spells cast during this time period harness a strong energy to bring positive changes, particularly in the areas of love and finances. If you have been struggling with a relationship, now is the time to make things right either by healing a relationship by having a return love spell cast, or by bringing a new soul mate into your life for a meaningful relationship. We all have more than one soul mate that we can end up with in a life time that will bring joy and peace into our lives. If a relationship is rocky, but you know it is worth fighting for, then a stop arguing spell or a respect and recognition spell could be useful to decrease conflict within the relationship.

Are you missing an ex boyfriend or girlfriend? The new moon represents a time where spells can be cast to bring an ex back to start fresh and wipe the slate clean. It is common for couples to come back together, even after a bad fight, with the help of a love spell. A love spell cast during the new moon can decrease anger and resentment that has been building in a relationship. This allows feelings of love to be able to come to the surface bringing couples back together and closer than ever before.
A love spell cast during the new moon also works well for couples that had a horrible falling out. This includes those where a fight lead to police getting involved. Opening the lines of communication during a time of silence, can really help restoring a relationship and bringing out feelings of love and forgiveness.

With the holiday season fast approaching, money can be tight. Having a money spell cast that works can eliminate financial struggles. Money spells come in different forms such as lottery spells, business spells, real estate spells, prosperity spells and more. Increasing your income with the help of a money spell is very possible during a new moon phase. The month of November is a time where energy from Halloween is lingering allowing the opportunity for spells bringing a new beginning to manifest.

To have a spell cast during the New Moon Phase visit www.witchcraftmagicspells.org