Monday, July 2, 2018

4th of July Spell Casting

4th of July Spells
The 4th of July is a time of celebration with the ones you love. Its also a good time for spell casting because the positive energy emitting from the holiday has a more visual way of presenting itself. There is nothing more magical when a coven of witches cast a spell while fireworks are going off in the distance. It gives the spell casting that is taking place a positive gesture.

Love, money luck and weight loss are the most common spells cast in July. The moon makes it a good time of the year to focus on bringing complete change into your life. If you are feeling lonely or are missing someone around the 4th of July, then this is the perfect time to set in motion a plan to bring them back into your life by having a love spell cast by professionals.

Then we have finances. There is always room for improvement when it comes to finances. Having a money spell cast during the 4th of July season will help improve finances on a more permanent level. This opens you up to focus on the things that matter in your life instead of always worrying about money.

Luck is also a popular spell to have cast in July. Bringing more luck into your life is like receiving a rush of positive energy. It can put you on a good luck streak or bring more balance by having higher levels of positive energy around you at all times. Having good luck is beneficial because it can touch every aspect of your life and bring improvement.

Summer weight loss spells are popular to have cast on the 4th of July because its mid season and many have already lost the easy weight. Sometimes its those last few stubborn pounds that need to come off or for others it can be the jump start needed to get the weight loss going. The energy of a weight loss spell tends to be stronger around the 4th of July.

To have a spell cast on or around the 4th of July visit

Friday, April 6, 2018

5 Signs You Might Need A Love Spell

5 signs you need a love spell
The first thing that usually comes to mind when thinking of casting a spell is "Will it work?" or "Do I really need one?"

When relationships take a turn for the worse it usually isn't long before the relationship ends. Not having control over the outcome can leave people feeling helpless and worthless.

Here are 5 signs that you may want to consider having a love spell cast. 

1. Your partner is distant. Calling or texting becomes less and less when you are not together. When they get off of work or have free time you become less of a priority than you were when the relationship first started.

2. Decreased social media interaction. Liking your Facebook and Instagram posts becomes less and less to the point where you have to remind that person to look at your profile to see something funny you posted. They don't even notice you posted something unless they are tagged in it.

3. Becoming irritated when you say you want to see them more. If your partner makes less and less time for the relationship and you notice the distance and tell them that you would like to spend more time together because you miss them, they may be losing interest. This includes working more. If someone wants to make more time for you, they will.

4. Spending time together doesn't include a lot of laughter. When two people are together for a long period of time it is important for them to continue having fun and not allowing themselves to get too caught up in daily routines. If spending time together is boring and no fun your partner is more likely to have wondering eyes.

5. Reconnecting with an ex. If your partner has had contact with their ex and claim to be just friends then it may be something to worry about. It is easier to fall into old habits when a familiar face pops up. The next thing you know they are meeting for coffee and then it all starts up again and may be kept a secret from you.

If you start to see one or more of these signs then it might be time to consider a love spell to get the relationship back on track. Increasing the attraction, keeping a lover faithful and falling in love are a few types of love spells that would be good in situations like this. Having a love spell cast early on is the best way to go, but if things have taken a turn for the worse its never too late to get it back on track with a spell. 

Monday, March 12, 2018

Does witchcraft work?

Does witchcraft work? This is a question that we are asked all of the time. A similar question is also "Do spells work?" There is a simple answer to both questions. YES witchcraft and spells work when you use them with respect and know what you are doing.

Witchcraft is often associated with casting spells. Casting spells is not as easy as lighting a candle and saying a prayer. It entails using specific materials in an order that sets energy into the universe and respects mother nature. This can be a very powerful tool in achieving goals that you may not have immediate control over. It can turn the universe in your favor and end up with results that align with your desires.

Some people try to cast spells themselves but fail and then assume that spells do not work. This is because it takes knowledge and experience to produce a spell that actually works. It is best left to experienced witches and warlocks to cast a spell when you need one. This is why spell casting services exist, to help others in a time of need.

The two types of spells that are often cast are love spells and money spells. There are dozens of  requests for different outcomes which is why there are many options to choose from. Sometimes you need someone to fall in love with you, bring the love back to a relationship, or remove a third party from the situation. Other times you may want to find your soul mate, attract new love, bring a friendship to the next level or desire someone to pursue you for a relationship. There is no love scenario too complicated for a love spell.

Money spells are designed to bring financial abundance. This can come in the form of a job promotion, job offer, lottery winnings, gambling winnings, inheritance or just really good luck. Most people have an idea of how they would like to obtain new wealth. Casting a money spell can help get you ahead financially and into a more comfortable spot.

All in all witchcraft does work and it can improve your life significantly. Get a spell cast by a professional, experienced coven now by visiting

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse - Trifecta Supermoon and Spell Casting

On Wednesday January 31, 2018 the world will experience a blue moon lunar eclipse. This will be the second full moon that we will have this month which is what makes it a blue moon. In March we will not have any full moon since the lunar cycle is 29.5 days. The next full moon that we experience will be in March.

This is a prime time to have a spell cast because the second full moon in a single month brings with it a special energy. This energy encompasses the earth and distributes the energy from a spell with more grace. Love spells and spells to improve finances tend to be stronger and more effective when cast during high energy moon phases.

This moon phase is considered a supermoon when multiple things are happening that are not common. Some are even calling it a trifecta supermoon. This type of moon phase happens once every two and a half years. Even though we are past new years this is an excellent time to impliment new years resolutions as well. Having a spell cast to help meet these new years resolutions gives an advantage that most do not know exist. Even if someone does not believe in spell casting, it does not effect the outcome if they choose to try it and have a spell cast. So why not give yourself the best chance of success during a supermoon?

Spell casting occurs 365 days of the year, however there are a few nights where the energy of the moon is elevated and January 31, 2018 is one of those days. A good moon phase often brings stronger results for spells cast during this time. This can mean a lower level spell having the effects of a higher level spell. Then when you consider a higher level spell it can bring in results that were better than expected which could mean some seriously positive changes coming to fruition.

Here is a review from a client who had a spell cast during a supermoon phase:

"I wanted to send you my review on because they helped me get my life back on track. Marcy's leadership in recommending a love binding spell to bring my husband back was on point. She knew what I needed after talking to her for a few days and understood my situation completely. I decided to try it since we were in a supermoon phase and I knew that was rare. My husband came back to me with deep apologizes after telling me he was no longer in love and wanted a divorce. The time apart made him miss me and he regretted the way he treated me. He wanted to rekindle our relationship and make me happy again. He actually took responsibility for his role in our problems (which was a shocker). After a few months I did some thinking and tried a gambling spell. I assumed that if witchcraft magic spells could get my husband back then why not try to win some money? I like playing the slots every once in a while and have a casino night with my girlfriends. I won a 5 figure progressive within a few months!! It allowed us to pay off credit card debt and get into a bigger home. What a life changing experience!"

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Types of Spells That Are Real and Not Real

With movies such as Harry Potter and other fantasy shows that involve spell casting there is a a misconception about what a spell can and can't do to enhance your life. It is common to use a love spell to bring an ex back, enhance a relationship or increase feelings of attraction. Money spells are also common for those looking to improve their luck when it comes to playing the lottery or going to the casino. Luck spells can be used to bring extra good luck into your life that touches all aspects. These are just a few examples.

Often when young people watch these fantasy shows there is a desire to become a werewolf, vampire, shapeshifter, mermaid or other creature that does not exist. There is an assumption among young people...specifically teenagers and young adults that magic spells can be cast to also do things like flying and having super human powers. Unfortunately real magic does not work this way. Magic spells are portrayed in movies and TV shows differently than how they work in real life.

A real magic spell will not give anyone super human powers or turn them into a creature that they are not. When characters in movies and on TV cast a spell it is not like the kind of spell that a Wiccan would cast. The spells cast by actors are purely mythical and not real spells. History has shown that spell casting is real and does exist in today's world, but the true value of them are nothing like is shown in any kind of fantasy movie or TV show.

List of real spells that work

  • Love Spells
  • Money Spells
  • Luck Spells
  • Binding Spells
  • Protection Spells
  • Weight Loss Spells
  • Beauty Spells
  • Student Spells
  • Addiction Spells
  • Psychic Enhancement Spells

List of fake spells seen on TV that are not real

  • Vampire Spells
  • Mermaid Spells
  • Shapeshifter Spells
  • Warewolf Spells
  • Harry Potter Spells
  • Spells to give you powers
  • Flying Spells
  • Time Travel Spells
  • Sex Change Spells
  • Immortal Spells
  • Telepathy Spells
  • Troll Spells

Witchcraft spells are cast by an entire coven of Wiccans and work well. Visit to have a spell cast that works.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Halloween Money Spells Cast in October

Halloween Spells
October is a special time of the year to cast a spell. It is a time for Wiccans to celebrate the New Year and a time for many to celebrate Halloween. It is also a good time to cast a money spell to attract better finances. This can come in the form of lottery winnings, gambling, job promotions, growing a business and getting a raise at work.

For those looking to bring positive changes into their lives by having a money spell cast it is best to rely on an honest witchcraft practitioner to assist in the casting to ensure it is executed correctly. Attempting to cast a money spell on your own without experience can bring the exact opposite results and decrease finances.

The energy of a money spell is directed to meet a specific goal. For example, if that goal is to earn money gambling it can cause slot machines to pay out, cards to fall into the correct order during a shuffle or the right numbers popping up when the time is perfect! This leads to some nice winnings so when this happens walk away and do not gamble it back into the casino. The last thing that you want to happen is for people to start looking at you like you know something more than they do and raise suspicion.

Lottery spells work in a similar fashion where the energy of the spell is designed to match lottery numbers that you have drawn. Many people think that a lottery spell can cause lucky numbers to appear and that is not necessarily the case. With real lottery spells that work the winners use quick pick tickets in their big win.

Business and job spells are designed to send energy to the place of business or work. This in turn causes promotions and raises to happen and can also attract new customers to your business which creates more financial opportunity for the organization as a whole. Small business have the option to expand into multiple locations when the demand is there so why not attract some new clients with a business spell during the Halloween season?

October presents an opportunity for witches and warlocks to bring new finances to people struggling in the form of different avenues. Halloween season brings us into the fall and money spells cast using the art of witchcraft can change our lives for years to come.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Total Solar Eclipse August 21 and What it Means for Spell Casting

On August 21,2017 we will be experiencing a total solar eclipse. This occurs when the moon completely covers the sun. People in the United States, Europe, Africa and North America will be able to see this amazing event take place. It is important to wear protective eye glasses if you plan on looking directly at the sun on this day.

Energy levels in the atmosphere will be at an all time high when the moon takes charge and shows its dominance against the sun for about an hour of the day. For spell casting this is a time of opportunity to make life changing decisions and set fourth goals that are attainable. This total solar eclipse is a time to focus on love and money. Improving these two main aspect of one's life greatly improves overall happiness.

This moon phase is a time to take a leap and put energy out into the universe that comes to pay you back both in good karma and positive energy. If 2017 has been a struggle financially now is a good time to have a lottery or gambling spell cast and change your luck. One big win is all it takes so having the energy of a spell making those events take place is one way people plan to bring better financial changes before the end of the year.

Love is still in the air as summer gets closer to an end. Step outside and take a deep long breath and feel the love of the universe flow through you on August 21. Love spells cast during total solar eclipses tend to be about 10 times stronger in the results they bring. If you have been missing an ex and feel that person was your soul mate this is a good time to bring about a resolution with a love spell to give the relationship another chance at happiness.

There is a caution in regards to love spells cast during the solar eclipse to be aware of. Obsession love spells tend to be something to cast over multiple days during this time because the amount of obsession that the total solar eclipse moon produces can be too much. It is important to know the right amount of obsession to put into the universe when casting love spells on this day.

All in all witchcraft should always be respected and cast with love and purity. Good changes will come to those who are ready to receive them.