Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Gambling Spell Casting Success

Gambling can be a fun hobby in moderation. What happens when there is a deep feeling of knowing that one of these days you are meant to hit it big? That's what happened to one of our top gambling jackpot winners from New Jersey.

"Jane" (to protect her identity) always knew that she was destined to win a progressive jackpot large enough to retire on and take care of her family forever when she came to us seeking help to manifest her gambling winnings. She had a couple of slot machines that she likes to play regularly. Every weekend she would bring $100 to the casino and if she did not at least double it she would leave without spending any more money. She did this religiously for years prior to having a spell cast.

From time to time Jane would win a few hundred dollars...she even won $2000 on a few occasions, but it was not the jackpot that she had hoped for. Most of the progressive slot machines were connected by multiple casinos having thousands of people playing them before a progressive win was distributed.

Jane had the Double Power Extreme Lottery and Gambling Spell cast because it was the strongest spell offered in regards to gambling at a casino. A while after she had it cast Jane found herself leaving the casino each week ahead more times than she had prior to having this spell cast. A big win was building up and she could feel it.

Then one day it happened. Jane won a progressive jackpot on a well known slot machine that paid out a sum of money beyond anything she dreamed of. It was a big event at the casino and within her community. Jane was able to make financial decisions that benefited her entire family and not ones that helped her "get by". Jane felt the energy of the spell working when she was playing each week. It became stronger and stronger as the wins built up.

This is one example of how a gambling spell can change your life if you follow the instructions properly and play consistently without going overboard every week. The energy of a spell changes the outcome of destiny and draws its attention to a specific goal!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Start the new year with good luck and love

We all have new year's resolutions that are desirable. Setting goals to be accomplished over the next 365 days tends to start off strong but are not always easily met. A yearly luck spell can help this process by bringing good luck over the next 12 months. This helps us stay on target with meeting new years resolutions goals.

Money is a common thing that people want to improve for the upcoming year. Starting new business ventures with a luck spell in place can help you grow financially and build a positive cash flow. Coming up with new ideas for products and services and bringing them to the market is not easy, but with a yearly luck spell in place we can be guided to the right solutions that can make or break the success of a project.

Weight loss is another new years resolution that many people make. Losing weight is not easy and takes a lot of hard work and commitment to accomplish. A weight loss spell is the best route for keeping your mind focused on the end goal. A weight loss spell in combination with a luck spell can cause someone to become extremely motivated to stay on track with diet and exercise. A weight loss spell will help speed up metabolisms allowing weight to come off quickly. It also can give you more energy to burn more calories and stay on track.

Love is another common request with the upcoming year. Starting a new relationship with someone can enrich our lives for the better and make our life purpose more clear. Attracting a new soul mate is exciting and rewarding with a luck spell in place because it helps the process flow easier....just like everything was meant to be.

Many people also have a goal for the new year to get back with an ex. Spending the holidays without the person you love is not easy. It can feel like the end of the world, but the good news is that just because one holiday season has come and passed without your partner beside you doesn't mean that they will not come back in the new year to get back together. Many people have love spells cast during the holiday season to bring an ex back. If the spell does not manifest in time for the holidays, it works after the new year so that a couple can start fresh again. A love spell is good to have cast this time of the year to give a couple a new beginning. This includes married couples that have divorced and decided to reconcile down the road. Divorce does not have to remain permanent and the relationship can be put back together regardless of what happened that caused a break up.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Super Moon Lunar Eclipse Casting a Spell

 spell casting
On September 27, 2015 we will have a very special moon phase for spell casting. Not only will we be in a super moon phase, but a lunar eclipse will be taking place as well. A supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to the earth when in a new moon or full moon phase. This is a rare event in and of itself, but when you throw in a lunar eclipse, the energy levels are sky rocketed which produces an excellent night to cast a spell.

Spells thrive off of the energy of the universe. Since the moon controls the energy flow in the universe, being in a moon phase that consists of a super moon and lunar eclipse happening at the same time gives us the opportunity to cast spells that will have a higher energy level than normal. In fact, the last time we had a moon phase of this nature was 1982! The next super moon lunar eclipse will happen in 2033. This goes to show you how rare of a moon phase we are entering into.

When it comes to practicing witchcraft and casting a magic spell, this moon phase is an ideal time to take care of any spell work that is desired to be done. Love spells, money spells, protection spells and luck spells are popular spells to be cast during a super moon lunar eclipse because they change lives in such a positive, impactful way. Any magic spell that is cast during any high moon phase are more likely to be permanent and hold the energy in greater amounts for longer periods of time.

If there is a desire that you have to cast a love spell, money spell, luck spell or protection spell but do not know how to do it or have little experience yourself, consider a spell casting service to perform the spell for you. This ensures that a spell has been cast correctly and will bring guaranteed results. In addition to that, it also makes sure that the super moon solar eclipse moon phase is not wasted and spells are cast accurately.

Love spells to return a lover are very strong during the super moon lunar eclipse moon phase. Spells that include attracting someone to you and increasing their love and desire for you bring the best results of the year during this moon phase because of the position of the moon. Now is the time of the year to bring an ex back or attract someone new into your life with a magic spell.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Getting Rid of a Lingering Ex

When a new relationship starts there can often be an ex that lingers in the background. Maybe your current boyfriend or girlfriend hasn't cut all ties and is still seeing their ex on the side or is remaining friends with that person. Maintaining a friendship with an ex is common when transitioning into a new relationship because a bond has been formed and there is a comfort level that brings safety and security.

Getting Rid of an Ex
This does not mean that keeping in contact with an ex while starting a new relationship is the best decision for your new partner. So what do you do when your partner has not cut the communication cord with their ex and it continues to cause problems? The first thing that should be done is to talk to your partner about how it makes you feel that they continue to have their ex in their life. If that doesn't work and the problem gets worse and is ruining the trust between the two of you, then having a Keep Ex Away Spell cast will solve the problem.

A keep an ex away spell will completely end the friendship, communication and/or relationship that your partner is having with their ex permanently. It will cause something to happen that ultimately ends all communication between the two and your partner will no longer desire to have their ex in their life again. This helps cut all emotional ties as well if you think that there are still feelings between your partner and their ex.

Sometimes guilt is the reason that communication is still happening between your boyfriend or girlfriend and their ex. If this is the case, the keep an ex away spell will make those feelings go away. The ex will no longer be able to have an emotional hold manipulating your partner into talking to them still. It can be healthier for your partner to move on and focus their attention and energy on you and building a solid foundation with you.

At the end of the day there is no good reason for an ex to still be in communication with your partner unless they have children. In that case co-parenting may be necessary but does not have to extend to a friendship where they discuss personal issues. Co-parenting can be done in a healthy way without a lot of unnecessary communication that has nothing to do with the children. If there are issues coming to agreements then a parenting plan can be established by ruling courts so that conflict is decreased and one parent is not able to use the kids as a power tool.

When children are involved and communication is necessary the keep an ex away spell will cut all emotional and social ties between two people. Any communication will be brief and only having to do with decisions pertaining to the children. Both parties will decide that having the other in their lives is the best decision to move forward without maintaining am emotional relationship or friendship.

If you are interested in having a spell cast to keep an ex away from your partner visit www.witchcraftmagicspells.org for more information.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

How a fall in love spell can bring two people together

We all need love in our lives. Being in love and having that love reciprocated can help us become our best selves. A fall in love spell can be used to help make this happen. It can bring an ex back or take a friendship to the next level. It also works for people that we encounter regularly such as a co-worker that is too shy to attempt to begin a romantic relationship to keep things on a professional level.

fall in love spell
There are all types of scenarios where a fall in love spell can help increase a person's feelings of attraction and love towards someone else. It is directed towards one specific target that will cause these feelings to become stronger towards the person who had the love spell cast.

There are no limitations on a fall in love spell and can work even when the target of the spell is currently in a relationship. When the target of a fall in love spell is already in a relationship it can cause them to realize that the relationship they are in is not the right one and will draw them to the person who cast the spell. This works well when one person is in an unhappy relationship but is hesitant to leave. It gives them the confidence that the right decision is to end the current relationship and be happy with someone else.

Another good example of a fall in love spell working is when an ex starts dating someone who is obviously using them for one reason or another and they do not see it. It can cause them to see that person for what's really going on and bring feelings of love back for their ex. This results in seeing who really loves them and can give a relationship another chance.

A fall in love spell can also work in cases where romantic relationships are not supposed to happen such as a work environment. Let's say you fell in love with your boss and don't know how to take it to the next level without making things awkward. It may be against company policy to have that type of relationship or you don't want to feel rejected and then have to see that person daily. This is a case where your boss would need to be the one to make the first move because you do not want to compromise your job. A fall in love spell can work well to get your boss to make the first move and take the relationship to a romantic level. Even if the circumstances are not necessarily normal, it never fails to bring two people together to fall in love.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

How to Get Rid of a Curse

Having a curse put on you can affect your life in a negative way. It can change relationships that were once good and healthy. Just because a relationship goes bad for no good reason does not necessarily mean a curse has been implemented, however it is possible and serious if that is the case. In addition to relationship issues, a curse can cause financial ruin which often leads to drinking and other addiction problems. It can also cause unnecessary negative energy to build up and follow you wherever you go.

There are many types of curses that can be put on someone to make negative things happen that normally would not. Some curses fade over time and go away on their own, and others are generational curses that are passed down from a previous family member. Unfortunately generational curses tend to become unfair because people end up paying a high price for something bad their great great grandfather did before they were born. As much as generational curses have become less and less predominant, they still exist and need to be broken at some point before they go away. The good news is that as we become more knowledgeable as a society of this problem, the easier it is to address.

Besides generational curses, there are also other types of curses that can be put in place by different forms of practice. These curses can be referred to as:
  • hex
  • voodoo curse
  • black magic curse
  • root work
  • egyptian curses
  • hoodoo
  • generational curses
  • bad luck curse
  • revenge curse
It is important to note that if you feel a curse has been cast against you, that it is removed and a circle of protection is put in its place to ensure another curse can not be cast again. If it is known that an enemy has put curses on others in the past and now you are in the war path, action is taken to prevent a possible curse from taking over your life. 

Signs of a curse varies. It has been known that people with curses on them find strange objects on their front door or property. This can include (but not limited to) dolls or parts of dolls, photos, strange powders, flowers, ashes in a bag, stained cloth and more. If you find yourself in a position where these objects are appearing on your property, don't panic. It does not mean that you are doomed and that everything bad that is happening in your life is because someone put a curse on you. It can be removed with a complete curse removal. Once a curse is removed, it is important to not give that curse any more energy by thinking or talking about it. Any time a thought runs through your head that something bad is happening because of this curse, immediately force yourself to think it was just bad luck. Continuing to give a curse any more energy can lead it to continue affecting you in a negative light which could lead to more bad luck than anyone deserves. If you change the way that you think it will change the way that you feel. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Spell to Change Someone's Mind

change your mind spell
We are always going to encounter stubborn people that don't agree with us. But what happens when you have tried everything to change someone's mind and just can't seem to? Now, there is one solid solution that not many people know about. Have a change your mind spell cast to get someone to change their mind about a person, event, relationship, job, money, living arrangements or anything else that seems to keep someone thinking a certain way.

A "Change Your Mind Spell" works well to change the mind of a specific person about a specific subject. How it works is the target of the spell will slowly start thinking about a specific subject differently over time. Within approx 90 days that person will have a completely different point of view than they did before. It is a proven fact that when people start thinking differently about something, it changes the way that they feel. When feelings change, so does behavior that follows it.

Changing someone's mind can be extremely beneficial in a wide range of situations. For example, it can help people get hired for a job that they would normally not get hired for. It can change political views within families causing less conflict. Heck, the change your mind spell can even get parents to accept relationships that they normally would disapprove of. This works well for families not approving of relationships because of religion or sexual orientation, since these seem to have become popular issues dividing families.

Are you having issues with your living situation? The change your mind spell can help solve conflicts among roommates, landlords, family members and even neighbors. When we have conflict with people close to us and it affects our living situation, the change your mind spell can help outcomes happen by changing the way people are thinking about a situation.

What about a husband and wife getting a divorce? Can a change your mind spell help with that? Yes it also works well in romantic relationships. If one partner is wanting a divorce and the other doesn't, a change your mind spell can cause the doubtful partner to change their mind about ending the relationship. It can also defer one partner away from ending outside relationships that are considered a conflict of interest.

So what is the best way to have a change your mind spell cast to get someone to change their mind? Having the spell cast by an experienced Wiccan coven will always produce the strongest results that work. This is always the best route to take when dealing with stubborn people.